The back of a young girl's head with long ponytails in her hair, looking into a blue sparkling background


We are committed to providing online information and services that are accessible to all. Our website can easily be adjusted to suit your particular needs.

Accessibility statement for the University of Edinburgh

The University’s website accessibility statement addresses equality of access to information and services.

Accessibility statement for the University of Edinburgh website (EdWeb)

Accessibility guidelines, policy and legislation

The University's commitment to accessibility and information around website accessibility guidelines, University policy and legislation.

Accessibility guidelines, policy and legislation

Report an accessibility problem

Please get in touch if you are experiencing any problems accessing our information and services online.

Report an accessibility problem

Requesting web content in alternative formats

Please note that if you require any content or web related resources such as media, documents or downloads in an alternative format, please contact the Information Services Helpline on 0131 651 5151 or use their online contact form.

Information Services Online Contact Form

Get support

Customising our site

With a few simple steps you can customise the appearance of our website to make it easier to read and navigate.

Customising our site

A-Z list of higher education terms

This glossary includes common abbreviations and acronyms used across the University of Edinburgh website.

A-Z list of higher education terms

Information Services and Accessibility

Information Services (IS) has further information on accessibility including assistive technology, creating accessible documents, and services IS provides for disabled users.

Assistive technology, creating accessible documents, and services IS provides for disabled users.

If you have been affected by exploitation or abuse and need support, please visit